So I realize I’m not the first person to bring this up, as Marissa Meyer has troves of ravenous fans anxiously awaiting the cinematic vision of her delightfully fun series. However, I thought it... So I realize I’m not the first person to bring this up, as Marissa Meyer has troves of ravenous fans anxiously awaiting the cinematic vision of her delightfully fun series. However, I thought it would be interesting and maybe even entertaining to explore just why this needs to happen…now. Reason #5 Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is already in post-production. Lily James (actress who played Cinderella in the recent live-action version) needs something else to do Reason #4 Movie adaptations of books don’t necessarily suck anymore. I actually prefer the movie version of “The Hellbound Heart” by Clive Barker, otherwise known to horror movie fans as “Hellraiser” Reason #3 The special effects would be AWESOME! If the whole series is done, this could be epic, like a YA version of Star Wars (yes I have very high hopes) Reason #2 It’s original – not some reimagined, remake of a movie that had nothing wrong with it in the first place (Halloween, anyone?) Sci-fi and fairytales together is such a fun combination Reason #1 Cinderella is a frickin cyborg. How cool is that?    (c) Kat Stiles, author of Connected Source: Free Articles from Originally a Jersey girl, sunny Texas is where I now call home, in a town way up north in the panhandle called Wellington. Along with the man of my dreams, I have two children: a rambunctious five year-old girl and a sweet but vocal one year-old boy. Three cats, three dogs and an inordinate amount of pet hair complete my household. For fun I like to read YA, horror, and existentialist fiction, as well as watch cartoons, movies, and sometimes even cartoon movies. I try not to take anything in life too seriously and I tend to smile often.
